Tech and Solutions

We offer a distributed software-based solution to control microgrids in the most efficient and advanced way possible.

We implement our distributed control system on industrial controllers that we hook up to grid components, such as inverters or batteries. Through this, we are able to bring energy to consumers in a significantly more resilient way, at a significantly lower cost.

Distributed, Modular Grid.

Operate a resilient, cheap, and clean grid.

The existing grid operates like a tree with power funneled through central systems (trunk) to customers (branches), whereas our system functions like a lab-grown bush, allowing energy storage at various points, even in devices. In the conventional tree model, the trunk is crucial, and adding components is challenging, but our bush model facilitates easy expansion and enhances resilience. If the trunk falls in the tree model, the whole system collapses, but our system continues working even if one part fails. This approach enables more efficient aggregation of energy assets, lowers installation costs, and allows seamless addition of components, potentially reducing energy costs by over 50%.

Plug-and-Play Capabilities.

Significantly reduce installation costs and times.

We are able to get energy assets online in a matter of hours (down from months). Our plug-and-play capability enables much cheaper energy costs and times, bringing you a grid that truly works for you.

Energy Equity and Independence.

Building low-cost, stable, and clean grids for all.

Our technology is a major step towards energy equity, resilience, and independence. We create cheap and clean grids that can be relied upon. We make energy a source of empowerment for the people we serve.